
When God brings you into contact with a Christian who has a vision for seeing a movement started, these steps can help you confirm they are the person God prepared to lead the movement.

  1. Go through the Key Volunteer Challenge with them:
  1. Take them to share the gospel with students on their campus. They may not know how to share their faith, so you can show them how you do it. The important thing here is that they demonstrate a heart for the lost.
  2. Introduce them to this site and give a small assignment to read/watch.
  3. Discover if they follow through on the action points from the KV Challenge and the assignment you’ve given. If not, find what is holding them back.

When you’ve found a group of Potential Key Volunteers (PKVs)

  • Use social media to connect all the people you’ve met.
  • Set up the first meeting.
  • At the first meeting, include the following:
    • Get to know one another.
    • Cast the vision for God’s heart for the campus and ask them what God has put on their hearts for their campus.
    • Present some materials to them, such as evangelism tools, or Bible studies.
    • Explain what they can expect from you as a coach, and what you’d expect from them as a group.
    • Come up with some simple next steps for the movement.
    • Pray together.
    • Have fun!
    • Click here for more details on how to lead the first meeting with potential key volunteers.


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