Student-Led Movements
Around the world, students are looking for ways to find lasting significance, love, and hope. Imagine what could happen as students find the answer to these questions, not in what they study, but in Jesus. Join students like you who also want to be World-changers.
Every one of the 60 million college students in the world should have the opportunity to hear the gospel and to respond to Christ’s offer of Salvation.
Movement groups should spread the good news of the gospel, but also provide training and mentoring for new believers to grow into lifetime laborers.
To fulfill the great commission, spiritual leaders from every nation will be sent from among the students of the world.
Who We Are
Campus Crusade for Christ is a non-profit interdenominational Christian organization committed to bringing the Gospel to everyone in the world. In many countries, we are known as Cru. There are about 50,000 Christian students involved with us, in more than 150 countries.
Parts of our organization work with athletes, people in communities, with churches, in relief work, etc.
You can be the one on your campus leading others to Jesus. We are here ready to equip you.
You will be connected with a coach who will assist you in everything you need.
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