Start a Movement
First Steps App (Apple Store)
First Steps is foundational follow-up material to help ground new Christians in their faith...
First Steps App (Google Play)
First Steps is foundational follow up material to help ground new Christians in their faith...
Congratulations on your decision to ask Jesus Christ into your life. What now?
The Spiritual Starter Kit (email series)
“The Spiritual Starter Kit” is completely free. It’s a series of messages delivered either by email or WhatsApp...
These are the basics of growth in the walk with God for a new (or older) believer.
Every Student App (Google Play)
Download Every Student now. Experience a more meaningful life.
Every Student App (Apple Store)
How to know God exists and experience a more meaningful life because of God.
You can be the one on your campus leading others to Jesus. We are here ready to equip you.
You will be connected with a coach who will assist you in everything you need.
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