When God brings you into contact with a Christian who has a vision for seeing a movement started, these steps can help you confirm they are the person God prepared to lead the movement.
- Go through the Key Volunteer Challenge with them:
- Take them to share the gospel with students on campus.
- Introduce them to this site and give them a small assignment to read/watch.
- See if they follow through on their action points from the KV Challenge and the assignment you’ve given them. If they don’t, see what held them back.
When you’ve found a group of Potential Key Volunteers (PKVs)
- Use social media to connect all the people you’ve met.
- Set up the first meeting.
- At the first meeting, include the following:
- Get to know one another.
- Cast the vision for God’s heart for the campus and ask them what God has put on their hearts for their campus.
- Present some materials to them, such as evangelism tools, or Bible studies.
- Explain what they can expect from you as a coach, and what you’d expect from them as a group.
- Come up with some simple next steps for the movement.
- Pray together.
- Have fun!