If your site is located at site.cru.org, or has its own domain name, then you are on our Cru Sites network.
How To Add The Google Snippet To Your Site
Whether you are managing a Cru Site or a Microsite (part of cru.org) the process for adding the Google Analytics snippet to your website is the same. This tutorial assumes you’ve already received your analytics snippet. If you haven’t please contact the Analytics Team. 1. In the left navigation of your WordPress admin panel click
How to Add an Adobe Campaign Signup Form to a Post Or Page
Whether you are managing a Cru Site or a Microsite (part of cru.org) the process for adding an Adobe Campaign form to your website is the same. This tutorial assumes you’ve already received your HTML form code. If you haven’t please visit https://campaign-forms.cru.org/ or send a request to growthsolutions@cru.org and specify the service and variables
Mapping Your Domain for a Cru Site
If you are building a website using Cru Sites you have the option to add your own domain name to your site. Your site will always be available at sites.cru.org/(your site name) but if you want it to also be available at your own domain you’ll need to complete the steps in this tutorial. Step