Has God led you to a few believers to be on your team? That’s great!
Ideally, shoot for 10 on a team. However, you can start with two or three other students while you keep looking for others to join you.
As people join your team, think of them as co-leaders. God brought them your way to love and value for the contribution God wants them to make.
At the same time, it is your responsibility to set up the first meeting together.
For a successful start and to respect their time, you want this meeting to be well-planned.
1. Briefly share your dreams for your campus. Then ask each person to share what’s on their heart, perhaps sharing a little of their personal spiritual background. This will help you get to know each other.
2. Ask each person to pull up this website on their phone or laptop. Tell them this site is an available guide. Not all of it needs to be followed, but it provides great counsel. Let them know this is a resource used by students around the world to start movements on their campuses as well.
3. Pray together. You want God to lead you and provide for you. Why? God can accomplish 1,000 times more than you can on your own. Each day, ask God to go before you, set the path.
In John 15, Jesus said, “By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit…”
That is God’s goal. He wants you to bear fruit. He wants to produce results through you. He will lead. Your job is to abide in him, stay close to him, follow him.
Ask God for whatever you need. Jesus told his disciples, “Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” (John 16:24)
Helping students on your campus know Jesus is a bold endeavor. An exciting one. Ask God for what you need.
Ask Him to give you love for the students on your campus. Ask Him to bring along students to do this with you. If you don’t know any believers on your campus, then praying for this is key.
4. Discuss together the various possible ways listed on this site of finding other Christian students to join you, as well as ways to begin evangelism on campus. Choose one or two to act on this week.
5. Build friendships and community by doing fun things together – Picnics, parties, games, etc. Schedule these events. Sometime during the semester, you might want to take a weekend get-away to another campus to explore what their Cru movement is doing, to learn from them, and realize you are part of something big.